Every gun enthusiast in the country knows how expensive ammunition can be when you’re burning through hundreds of rounds on every range trip. The better, cheaper option for firearm training is using “laser bullets,” a very effective training tool that you can use right at home. But when you’re training, accuracy counts, and cheap laser training bullets won’t do you much good. To help, we’ve rounded up the very best laser training bullets for 12 of the most popular rounds, and even some universal laser rounds, so read on.
What Laser Training Bullet is the Best for Every Round
So, you’ve heard a lot about laser training bullets and you’re interested in upping your accuracy without having to leave your home. If you have several different rounds and you want to figure out what’s the best laser training bullet for each round, then we’re here to help. Below you will find a comparison of three high quality laser training bullet companies and the rounds they produce for the following calibers: .380, 9mm, 223, 308, 30-06, 40, 45, 22, 22L, 12-guage, .38, and 357. The companies and products we looked at are Laserlyte, G-Sight Gen 2, and Laser Ammo Surestrike.
Caliber | LaserLyte | G-Sight Gen 2 | Laser Ammo Surestrike |
.380 (Buy Here) | Laserlyte Flashes bright, powerful laser dotBuilt-in snap capFits easily inside chamberBattery lasts for 3000 shotsBrightest laser legally allowed (5mW)Visible at 100+ yards3 yr warrantyPrice: $105 | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for 1000 shots1 year warrantyPrice: $42.99 | |
9mm (Buy Here) | Laserlyte Flashes bright, powerful laser dotBuilt-in snap capFits easily inside chamberBattery lasts for 3000 shotsBrightest laser legally allowed (5mW)Visible at 100+ yards3 yr warrantyPrice: $105 | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for 1000 shots1 year warrantyPrice: $41.99 | |
223 (Buy Here) | Laserlyte Flashes bright, powerful laser dotSnap cap built inFits easily inside of the chamber5 mW laserFiring pin activation3 year warrantyPrice: $105 | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for 1000 shots1 year warrantyPrice: $39.99 | |
308 (Buy Here) | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for 1000 shots1 year warrantyPrice: $42.99 | Laser Ammo SurestrikeBright, powerful Laser DotConverts into Boresighter with ease. | |
30-06 (Buy Here) | Laser Ammo SurestrikeBright, powerful Laser DotConverts into Boresighter with ease. | ||
40 (Buy Here) | Laserlyte Flashes bright, powerful laser dotBuilt-in snap capFits easily inside chamberBattery lasts for 3000 shotsBrightest laser legally allowed (5mW)Visible at 100+ yards3 yr warrantyPrice: $99.79 | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for 1000 shots1 year warrantyPrice: $39.99 | |
45 (Buy Here) | Laserlyte Flashes bright, powerful laser dotBuilt-in snap capFits easily inside chamberBattery lasts for 3000 shotsBrightest laser legally allowed (5mW)Visible at 100+ yards3 yr warranty | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for1000 shots1 year warrantyPrice: $42.99 | |
22 (Buy Here) | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for 1000 shots1 year warranty | ||
22L (Buy Here) | |||
12-Gauge | Laser Ammo SurestrikeBright, powerful Laser DotConverts into Boresighter with ease. | ||
.38 (Buy Here) | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for 1000 shots1 year warrantyPrice: $40.99 | Laser Ammo SureStrikeClass IIIR Laser5 mW laser | |
357 (Buy Here) | G-Sight Gen 2Bright, powerful red laserSnap-capBrass constructionBattery lasts for 1000 shots1 year warranty | Laser Ammo SureStrikeClass IIIR Laser5 mW laser | |
Universal (Buy Here) | LaserlyteFits .380 acp, 38 sp, 357 Magnum, 9mm, 40 SW, 10mm, 45 acp,Sound activated LaserBattery lasts for 3000 shotsBrightest red laser legally allowed (5 mW)Price: $96.52 |
The above chart should help you do some general comparisons. However, if you want to know the best bullet for every round, there is not necessarily an easy answer in each case. There is a lot of leeway for personal taste and each person’s own set of specific needs. Still, we will try to help. We scoured the Internet and analyzed the opinions of a fair number of experts for six different rounds. The other rounds didn’t have many expert opinions about them, so we’ve left them out for this comparison. You’ll find the information we gathered in the chart below:
Caliber | Best | Reasons Given | Current Price |
.380 | Laserlyte | 3 year warranty | Buy Here |
9mm | Pink Rhino* | High quality round that works with many other systems | Buy Here |
223 | Laser Ammo | Works with any .223 caliber weapon and more | Buy Here |
40 | Laser Ammo and Laserlyte | Battery efficient, easy to use, and more/bright and powerful laser, saving on time and money | Buy Here |
45 | Laser Ammo | Battery efficient, easy to use, and more | Buy Here |
.38 | Laserlyte Universal Laser Training Device | Universal application and it works pretty well with most software. | Buy Here |
In general, we think that each of the brands of laser training bullets we examined here brings their own pros and cons that must be carefully weighed. What sounds good for one person, may not be good for another. Laserlyte, for example, is an excellent choice due to its high number of shots and its long warranty, but it is expensive. Some people may be put off by the high price and may seek a less expensive option.
How Do Laser Training Bullets Work?
A laser training bullet is a firearm accessory that serves as a training aid. Normally, it is a “dummy” bullet that fits in a firearm and reacts to a trigger press by firing a laser at the target instead of a live round. The laser used is not powerful enough to cause harm (unless maybe if it hits someone in the eye) and serves to briefly light up the point of impact where a live round would have struck if it had been fired by the firearm. There are also laser training guns that are similar, but instead of a “dummy” bullet with a laser, the entire gun is fitted with a laser making the weapon itself a “dummy” weapon. We recommend laser training bullets over laser training guns because laser training bullets allow one to train with the firearm you will actually be using should the need arise.
What Is in a Laser Training Bullet Accessory Kit/System?
There are a number of different laser training bullet kits and systems on the market. Each one is unique and will have its own constituent parts. In general, though, there is a certain degree of commonality between these valuable firearm accessories.
As a result, each one will likely contain the following items (or a similar set):
- A Laser Training Bullet: The laser training bullet should be a high-quality cartridge made of some durable metal like stainless steel, brass, or something similar. The cartridge contains the laser, which is highly accurate and shoots through a glass lens to simulate the path a bullet would take.
- A Snap Cap: A snap cap is a small accessory used to protect the firing pin from repeated dry fire strikes of the firearm’s hammer.
- Multiple Adapters and Caps: Most laser training bullet kits and systems are designed to be used with multiple caliber weapons. As a result, they usually come stocked with a number of different adapters and caps for the given cartridge so it can be used in a number of different guns.
- An Electronic Target: The electronic target is an accessory used to register the impact of the laser each time it strikes and then analyze the collected data for valuable feedback for the shooter.
- Smart Phone App: Actually, this will likely come from your phone’s Apple or Google store (or wherever it is sold). Once it is downloaded to your phone, it is usually used in conjunction with a regular or, sometimes, an electronic target like the one mentioned above. In this case, the App will do the data collection and computation. It registers hits by tracking the target with the built-in camera.
- A Phone Stand: The phone stand is necessary to provide a base to support the phone so you can effectively use the App.
Not all kits and systems will contain all these accessories. For example, if the system uses an app, it can probably be used with a regular target, so an electronic target may not be in the kit.

How Do You Train with a Laser Training Bullet Accessory System?
A laser training bullet system is used for dry-fire training, that is, training to shoot without using live ammo. The shooter pulls the trigger and then the hammer drops, but no ammunition is discharged. The goal in dry-fire training is not necessarily to develop perfect accuracy, but, rather, acceptable accuracy. In a real-life situation, acceptable accuracy is what gets the job done.
To that end, the skills focused on include:
- Stance training
- Gun presentation
- Aligning sights
- Breathing control
- Pulling the trigger
- Follow through.
A critical component of dry-fire practice is visualization. It may not sound like much, but studies have shown that practicing visualization in conjunction with the physical training aspects, can dramatically improve your skills. Visualization prepares you for the mental task ahead, in this case safely operating a firearm with accuracy. With visualization you focus on the smallest aspects of the task and picture them in your mind before you even twitch a muscle. Basically, in your head, you draw your weapon, grip it, aim it, focus on the front sight, and squeeze the trigger before you even begin to reach for the firearm. Embrace all your senses. Feel the texture of the weapon. Hear the trigger break. Smell the gunpowder. According to the experts, visualization works. It will help you beef up your skills.]
Laser Training Round Drill
Now, for the actual drill:
- Choose a target.
- Make a proper sight picture. If you are using a laser bore-sight, you can focus on the target.
- Position your finger to “prep” the trigger.
- Slowly pull the trigger until it breaks.
- Make sure the front sight post does not move at all when you pull the trigger. If it does, go back and work on some aiming drills.
Now, repeat the process over and over again. It takes many thousand repetitions to commit your technique to muscle memory. Dry-fire with a laser training bullet is excellent way to do this, because it doesn’t require any expensive ammo. Although you can do dry-fire drills at home, or virtually anywhere else, nothing beats the range. With a laser training bullet, you can mix things up a bit at the range. You can take a live shot, swap in the laser training bullet, and take several laser shots. This will save on your ammunition and still help you develop your technique and hone your skills.
What are the Advantages and Benefits of Using a Laser Training Bullet Accessory System?
There are numerous advantages and benefits to using a laser training bullet accessory system. One of the first and most obvious advantages is cost savings. The laser training bullet expends no ammo and can be fired, usually, at least 1000 times. That adds up to enormous cost savings. You may wonder if you can skip the laser and just do dry fire with an empty gun. You could, but the laser training bullet system gives you valuable feedback that is missing from an empty gun dry fire. Also, dry-firing an empty gun multiple times, in some cases, can damage the weapon—laser training bullets take that into account and take measures to prevent damage.
Feedback from a laser training bullet system helps you understand and correct the things you are doing wrong without incorporating negative feedback from missed shots. With a laser training bullet accessory system, you can practice anywhere. You will be able to constantly work on developing your skills so, at the very least, they don’t deteriorate and, more likely, they will improve dramatically. Indeed, all the data indicates that regular dry-fire laser training leads to a great deal of skill improvement.
You will also save time as you won’t have to drive to the range to get your shooting practice. Additionally, as many laser training bullets—with the use of an adapter—can be used in different caliber weapons, you can practice with different guns without having to deal with too much hassle. Finally, you shouldn’t forget the bonus advantage you get from the accessory system itself. Many systems, particularly those with mobile Apps, perform sophisticated calculation and analysis that will give invaluable feedback you wouldn’t get otherwise. This includes, but is not limited to, things like a Shot Timer to measure your draw speed, to measuring how well you group your shots, and much more.

What are the Disadvantages of Using a Laser Training Bullet Accessory System?
They say that nothing can truly replace time on the range, but there really aren’t too many disadvantages that come with a laser training accessory system. Perhaps, it doesn’t account for the adrenalin surge of a real situation, but does the range do any better in that regard. It does have one large downside, however, in that it cannot simulate recoil. Perfecting your sight picture and trigger discipline is fantastic, but you can’t do it in the void. Make sure to still take trips to the range to train with live rounds so you can incorporate recoil into your drills. The range has a better ambiance for shooting, too: the noise, the smell of gun smoke, your friends around you—those are two factors for which a laser training bullet system does not provide.
How Accurate is a Laser Training Bullet Accessory System?
Now that you are sold on laser training bullets, you might wonder if they are truly accurate or not. Thankfully, laser training systems are very accurate. To begin with, they are based on laser technology. Lasers are, basically, beams of focused, organized light. As a result, they fire in a straight line that is tough to match. Indeed, the trajectory of a bullet will drop down from the trajectory of the laser, but only over extended distances. And that deviation can be calculated. In fact, in most of the Apps and other software that come with a laser training bullet, adjustments can even be made for factors like wind speed. Although not perfect, laser training bullets are highly accurate and precise.
How Safe Are Laser Training Bullet Accessory Systems?
Generally speaking, a laser training bullet is much safer than a firearm loaded with real ammo. Although the lasers used are bright and relatively powerful for civilian use, they probably can’t hurt anybody unless they strike someone in the eye. Still, that’s no reason to slack off as far as safety is concerned. You should always treat a laser training bullet system with the same caution and respect you give a firearm loaded with a live round. It’s just good practice.
In light of that, you should double-check your firearm before you begin practice to make sure it does not hold a live round. Additionally, you should always follow the proper procedure when unloading the cartridge. Finally, don’t forget to make sure to point the gun in a safe direction when using it. You do not want to develop bad habits just because the laser training bullet is safe.
We hope you found this discussion of laser training bullets and their accessories useful. It should help you evaluate and decide if it is something you need yourself or not.
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